Put-to-Light Highlighted by Modern Materials Handling in MODEX Show Daily

Joe Pelej with a put-to-light system, photo courtesy of Modern Materials Handling
Photo above courtesy of Modern Materials Handling. In a MODEX 2016 Show Daily article filed on April 5, Modern Materials Handling‘s Roberto Michel, Editor at Large, wrote about Matthews Automation Solutions’ brand Lightning Pick, and its LP Put put-to-light system. The full entry, entitled “Put-to-light synchs with packing solutions at Matthews,” can be read here.

The coverage featured an interview with Joe Pelej, Marketing Manager for both Lightning Pick and Pyramid. Pelej demoed the system for Michel, explaining that LP Put’s backend software can easily and smoothly integrate with other automated order fulfillment systems, including auto baggers.

“Part of what makes it unique is this integration capability so that the operation has fast, efficient steps at the end of the process,” said Pelej in the article.

During Michel’s tour of the Matthews Automation Solutions’ exhibit, Pelej also showcased Pyramid’s Director WES Warehouse Execution System. “The system”, wrote Michel, “translates inputs from an operation’s host systems—including warehouse management systems (WMS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems—with sophisticated algorithms to receive and process orders. It then synchronizes and directs multiple, disparate automation technologies with an integrated materials handling equipment (MHE) warehouse control software (WCS).”

Pelej concluded his Pyramid Director WES discussion by noting that with the system in place, properly orchestrated warehouse execution will “drive the flow and efficiency needed for direct-to-consumer order fulfillment.”

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