Bridget McCrae, contributing editor to Modern Materials Handling magazine, covered the Matthews Automation Solutions’ ProMat 2015 in-booth press conference, held Tuesday, March 24. In the article, McCrae focused on the Lightning Pick brand’s LP Light Sled, noting:
The Light Sled combines the benefits of pick-to-cart, pick-to-conveyor, pick-to-light and put-to-light order fulfillment methodologies to maximize efficiency and accuracy in cluster picking of multiple orders simultaneously. The horizontal sled design enables several order cartons to be grouped together and travel by conveyor throughout the distribution center, stopping at each storage zone that contains items required by the orders on the sled.
She also quoted Matthews Automation Solutions’ president, Paul Jensen, who said of the LP Sled: “This product can handle everything from small batches and single orders to huge, half-a-million SKU shipments daily.”
Read the article here.