
What is a Putwall?

Used in high-efficiency batch picking operations, put-to-light stations – commonly known as “put walls” – are essentially pick-to-light in reverse. (Pick-to-light systems have lights at every pick face, whereas put walls have light modules located on the final sort location where orders are sorted into empty bins, totes or shelves/cubbies.) The complexities of sorting diverse, multi-line orders are made simple and fulfillment errors are drastically reduced, with a 99% accuracy level, thus reducing rates of returns.

How does a Putwall work?

At the put wall, a tote of batch-picked, mixed-SKU merchandise is sorted into individual direct-to-consumer or e-commerce orders. The software uses a “batch wave file” on the front end – integration with warehouse software and shipping software makes the whole process go smoothly, from pick to pack to ship.

The sorting process itself is quick and efficient: when the merchandise is brought to the put wall, the operator scans an item and immediately puts it into the bin illuminated by the put-to-light module. He or she then pushes the button/light to turn off the light and confirm the put. The operator continues to sort all the items from the batch-picked tote into individual orders with this easy and highly accurate technique. Packing slips and other inserts can be scanned and placed with the orders, also. When an order is complete, the light-directed picking module indicates that the order is complete and ready to ship.

Benefits of a Putwall

  • High order fulfillment productivity at high speeds
  • Increased accuracy
  • Economical use of space
  • Scalable for future growth
  • Operational visibility / optimize process
  • Handles complexity / integrates easily